BEST Thrusting Sword Guide (in-depth breakdown and review) Elden Ring

BEST Thrusting Sword Guide (in-depth breakdown and review) Elden Ring

What the heck is an offstoc? Something you should replace with the ______.

My Discord:
Soft Caps:
Damage Calc:
Daggers and crit:

0:00 Intro
0:59 Thrusting Sword Ranges
1:36 Moveset Differences
3:20 Frozen Needle
4:11 Heavy/Fire
5:30 Keen/Lightning
7:05 Quality
7:30 An IMPORTANT Discussion
10:10 Flame/Sacred/Magic
10:30 Cold/Poison/Bleed/Occult
13:10 Summary

The cute blue avatar I’m using is called Bugcat Capoo! I love bugcat, so I’m also trying to let more people know cute lil Capoo! The artist’s name is Yara (all credits to her):

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