[FGO] Draco/Vlad/Galatea damage comparison (NP1)

  • 2023.05.12
  • FGO
[FGO] Draco/Vlad/Galatea damage comparison (NP1)

Comp : max lv BG, waver, castoria, plug oberon, final showdown MC
Np levels : 1
Skill levels : 9 on all the steroid skills (out of lores lul)

Obviously there is gonna be high roll low rolls, I did do multiple runs and took the median of my testing. This was supposed to be in my hot take video but it took too much run time so I decided to separate it and post it here.

Draco’s damage really is mid when she isn’t hitting servant unfortunately, and even with anti servant, at lower NP levels the difference is not too astounding. This is the result of mainly the 1.1 times hidden multiplier for berserker vs the 1.0 times hidden multiplier for beast.

Music:Over the top from fate extra CCC

0:00 Non-servant
4:13 Servant
