[FGO] The Evolution Of Rider’s Noble Phantasm!

  • 2025.01.22
  • FGO
[FGO] The Evolution Of Rider’s Noble Phantasm!

I’m posting this today because I don’t think Lasagna will do a visual upgrade on Medusa tomorrow, but I hope I’m wrong and have to re do this video in less than 24hs 😂
Fr tho, for those who don’t know, today on the new FGO JP event Medusa got an special cinematic using her Noble Phantasm! I hope it means she’s going to get an animation update soon, but for now we will have to wait and hope that Lasagna is actually cooking! 😳
Anyways, do you think Medusa will get an animation update tomorrow? Are animation updates a thing in Fate/Grand Order anymore? Let me know in the comment section! 👀


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