I Have Always Been Proud | Final Fantasy XVI | Pt.23 – FINAL

I Have Always Been Proud | Final Fantasy XVI | Pt.23 – FINAL

My heart… just when I thought I’d cried enough in this game. I can’t describe how much I loved this game and words can’t do it justice even if I tried. So let me just say thank you all for watching and I hope you enjoyed this bittersweet ending as much as I did.

p.s. send tissues

• Watch me live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kastaclysm
• Past Twitch playthroughs: https://www.youtube.com/c/KastaclysmArchive

▶ IG: https://www.instagram.com/kastaclysm/

Edited by: Virtrand
▶ YouTube: https://t.ly/i3jD
