No Black Grail CE || 3 Turn 90++ Farming GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku [FGO] [Fate/Grand Order]

  • 2024.09.10
  • FGO
No Black Grail CE || 3 Turn 90++ Farming GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku   [FGO] [Fate/Grand Order]

You want farm full event CE? This video is for you.

I didn’t include the famous tea, Iyo with BG, double castoria, Oberon team.

00:00 Martha Ruler, Kintoki Berserker
00:26 Tamamo, Da Vinci Ruler, Gong, Oberon, Castoria (6 Event CE)
02:39 Da Vinci Ruler, Iyo, Castoria, Oberon (6 Event CE)
04:57 Da Vinci Ruler, Ibuki Summer, Castoria, Oberon (6 Event CE)
06:55 Nobunaga Berserker, Double Koyan, Oberon (6 Event CE)
08:41 Morgan LV 120 NP 5, Double Koyan, Oberon (5 Event CE)

Btw you can replace Nobunaga with Himiko, and you can replace koyan with BB summer. What you need to do is only lock when there is Himiko buster command cards.

#fatego #fgo #fate #fategrandorder

Farming guide

GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku 2024 90++

THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell

fgo gudaguda 7 90++
