Ranking Every Crystal Tear in Elden Ring From Worst To Best

Ranking Every Crystal Tear in Elden Ring From Worst To Best

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Yes I know it’s been a month since I’ve uploaded… Uh… I don’t know what else to say about that. Just wanted to acknowledge it. Oooooops.

📜 – – – DESCRIPTION – – – 📜
Everything from the ruptured tears to the cerulean hidden tear to the twiggy cracked tear that I almost forgot to rank. There are 29 types of crystal tears in the game, not including separate halves of the same tear. We’re ranking them all today. Is that clear? Good. Now, move along.

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⌚ – – – TIMESTAMPS – – – ⌚
0:00 Begin
1:57 Crimson Tear
2:57 Cerulean Tear
3:17 Crimsonspill Tear
4:08 Crimsonburst Tear
5:19 Greenspill Tear
6:04 Greenburst Tear
7:16 Strength & Dexterity Tear
8:18 Intelligence & Faith Tear
9:24 Opaline Hardtear
10:22 Speckled Hardtear
11:47 Leaden Hardtear
13:00 Magic Shrouding Tear
13:51 Flame Shrouding Tear
14:41 Lightning Shrouding Tear
15:47 Holy Shrouding Tear
16:59 Stonebarb Tear
18:17 Spiked Tear
19:35 Thorny Tear
20:46 Winged Tear
21:54 Windy Tear
22:57 Opaline Bubbletear
24:00 Crimson Bubbletear
25:20 Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear
26:16 Cerulean Hidden Tear
27:35 Purifying Tear
28:39 Ruptured Tears

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