Sony PlayStation is trying to BUY Square-Enix but is THIS GOOD?

  • 2022.07.28
  • PS5
Sony PlayStation is trying to BUY Square-Enix but is THIS GOOD?

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Sony is reported to be “really interested” in acquiring Square Enix Japan, at least according to Eidos Montreal founder Stephane D’Astous. On the other hand, they’re not interested in the publisher’s western studios, which may be the reason why Square Enix sold off Eidos Montreal, Crystal Dynamics, and Square Enix Montreal. In this video Dreamcastguy reacts to the news and talks about the sources and how this would effect games on the PS4 Pro, the PlayStation 5, the PS5, and even the games on Nintendo Switch.

Will Square Enix be acquired by Sony? Rumors have been spreading for a while that Sony was interested in acquiring Square Enix. When discussing these rumors with, D’Astous said that he’d “heard rumors that Sony said they’re really interested in Square Enix Tokyo, but not the rest.” He also believes this is the reason why Eidos Montreal, Crystal Dynamics, and Square Enix Montreal were sold off at what everybody believes to be an extremely cheap price: “so, I think [Square Enix CEO Yosuke] Matsuda-san put it like a garage sale.” This theory would back up previous rumors from insiders like Jeff Grubb, who suggested Square Enix was setting itself up for a sale after the Embracer Group deal.
